Configuring Your Mail Program to Pull in Email

PLEASE NOTE: There are 2 different servers, each with some unique settings, so you’ll need to know which server you are on. You can Google your mail program to find out where you can ‘Add A New Mail Account’. For example in Outlook, you would go to ‘File’ – ‘Add Account’.

Server 4 Settings

Username: Full email address like ‘’
Password: Use the email password that was given to you
Incoming Server: (replace with your actual domain name)
IMAP Port: 993,  POP3 Port: 995
Outgoing Server: (replace with your actual domain name)
SMTP Port: 465
IMAP, POP3, and SMTP require authentication

Server 5 Settings

Username: Full email address like ‘’
Password: Use the email password that was given to you
Incoming Server: (replace with your actual domain name)
IMAP Port: 993,  POP3 Port: 995
Outgoing Server: (replace with your actual domain name)
SMTP Port: 465
IMAP, POP3, and SMTP require authentication
3d character holding email symbol

POP3 Versus IMAP


POP3 downloads all email messages into an email program on your computer.

Advantage: Simpler to delete emails from your computer. You can store as many emails as your computers hard drive will handle, which is normally a lot more than a hosting server.

Disadvantage: If you open your email from a different computer you will only see new emails coming in, not all the old emails that are current.


IMAP not only downloads all email messages into an email program on your computer, but it allows the user to keep all messages on the server and synchs the e-mail program with the server to display all emails that are currently there.

Advantage: You will be able to access email in the inbox from any computer or smart phone (work computer, laptop, and smart phone, for example), and you will see the same email on all.

Disadvantage: Emails will need to be cleaned out from the server as most hosting servers have a limit to how much email can be stored there.

We recommend the IMAP settings if you want to be able to check your email on multiple devices.

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