
We send out a newsletter to help you stay tuned in to the latest in web technology. We’ll let you know the latest crazes, give helpful search engine optimizing & marketing tips, and showcase our latest website launches. We try to send one out quarterly. If you don’t find it helpful you can opt out at any time.

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Newsletter Archives

April 9, 2024
Is Your Website ADA Compliant? Don’t overlook the importance of ensuring that your website is accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. Learn about the risks of non-compliance, and what to do to make a site ADA Compliant. Read Newsletter…

April 2, 2024
The Importance of Testing Your Contact Forms It’s very important to regularly test any contact forms on your website. There are many email providers out there and they are constantly changing their requirements. For example, starting this past February, Google now requires email authentication using SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records. Learn More…

July 22, 2022
Stop Ringing My Doorbell! Often times our clients come to us with questions about why they’re getting weird inquiries from their contact forms. These forms often times contain very strange and cryptic text. I wrote an article that hopefully will help understand the methods behind the madness. Read Newsletter…

September 23, 2021
I often get asked the question – “How often should I revamp my website?”. I normally give the answer of ‘every few years’, but I wanted to see if my advice was on point with other professionals. So I went to the ole trusty Google. Just google ‘how often should you revamp your website’ and see what the results are. The low end results were every 1-3 years and the high end was 3-5 years, with the most common denominator in the results being 3 years. I was glad to hear that others felt the same. Read Newsletter…

May 21, 2020
During these crazy times I don’t know about you, but I’m missing getting out and being social. Whether that’s networking, gathering with friends, or just going out for a bite to eat at my favorite local restaurant. So that being said, this is probably a great time to vamp up our social media! Read Newsletter…

June 25, 2019
Happy 25th Anniversary to Us! In this newsletter we give a list of Newsletter ideas that we think may help when coming up with your newsletter topics. We also show a funny spoof on Client Feedback that’s worth a look and a chuckle. Read Newsletter…

November 14, 2018
We’ve revised our look again! Sometimes minor changes to your website can make a big difference. We also talk about resizing images to keep your file sizes and page load speeds down. Read Newsletter…

July 31, 2018.
In this newsletter we point out how easy it is to accidentally blacklist yourself. We also talk about copyrighted images and your blog. What photos to use and what photos not to use. Read Newsletter.

June 22, 2018.
We’re excited to announce our new website! We also talk again about the importance of GDPR compliance. And our last topic is Internet Explorer ‘end-of-life’. Time to upgrade that old browser! Read Newsletter…

July 26, 2016.
Read about Copyright Laws and the difference between Search Engine Marketing, Traditional Marketing, and Social Media Marketing.

August 6, 2015.
Check out our cool new video we had made. And learn how Video Marketing can help you move up in the search engine rankings.

June 18, 2015.
Happy Summer! Time for barbecues and beach days. I’m sure your website is the last thing on your mind now that summer is here, but in case you hadn’t heard, we thought it best to update you about Mobilegeddon. Is your website Mobile Friendly? If not, this can seriously hurt your search engine rankings.

January 16, 2015.
Happy New Year! Recent websites we’ve done are great examples of ‘Responsive Design’. Other newsletter topics include “Passwords and Hackers” (how to stay safe), and “10 Common Mistakes When Building a Website”.

May 15, 2014.
Happy Spring! It’s spring cleaning time! Push open those windows, let the fresh air in, and take a few minutes to read over your website to see what needs to be updated. Topics include “How much mobile traffic are you getting?”, and “Is Google Adwords a replacement for the Phone Book?”

February 20, 2014.
It’s a new year and we have a modern new website with Responsive Design. Other topics are ‘Learn if your SEO is a hack‘. Want to make some extra cash? Read about our Referral Program.

July 31, 2013.
This is our first newsletter after our relocation. Read about whether or not you should place Facebook and Twitter icons in your print ads. Also learn about the new social sharing tool, Snapsets.

January 24, 2013.
Read some astounding Mobile Facts, find out about common Browser Hijacking and how to get rid of it, & have some laughs while watching a sample of Real Life Ecommerce.

September 27, 2012.
Summers over, fall leaves are changing and it’s a good time to talk about the Psychology of Color. You can also read about theTop 5 SEO Myths.

May 15, 2012.
Off the Page talks about Pinterest & The Long Tail. It’s spring cleaning time – read about an easy way to check your links.

February 15, 2012.
New Years Resolutions, and Redesigns may be in order. In this months newsletter we explain why Google Adwords may be a good idea. Read about the latest hype – Google+.

December 15, 2011.
This issue is about what you can do to protect yourself from Email Scams, and it gives some examples of what to look out for. The search engine marketing tip of the month is about YouTube Channels.

November 18, 2011.
Read about ‘#HashTags’ – what the # means on your tv screen and how it relates to social media. ‘Ending Some Confusion About Social Media’ – Read how you are really supposed to use Twitter and Facebook.

October 18, 2011.
Read about ‘Blogging for Business’ – why blogging is good for business. ‘Google Places’ – Read how you can sign up for free and be more visible in Google.

September 19, 2011.
Read about ‘ShareThis’ – my favorite form of social media marketing. ‘Content is King’ – One of the most important starting points to good Search Engine Optimization.

August 15, 2011.
Read about QR Codes and Google Shopping.

July 13, 2011.
It seems as though I tried to get too fancy with this one. Although this newsletter looks great in some email programs like Thunderbird, the newer versions of Outlook can’t display background images. You can view it correctly by clicking the ‘view in browser’ link, at the top of the newsletter. Next month I’ll have to simplify. Read about the latest with mobile phone sites and the importance of Title Tags.

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