WordPress Blog Instructions

Adding a Blog Post

  • Go to your website URL and add /wp-admin after it, or click the link provided to you.
  • Type in your username and password that was given to you for the blog
  • Once you’re logged in, click ‘Posts’ over in the left side.
  • Then click ‘Add New’ at the top of the page.
  • Enter the title of your post where it says ‘enter title here’,
  • Enter the text in the big white text area. If you don’t see the bold, italic, bulleted list, center…. options, then click the ‘Visual’ tab.
    Please note: If you’re copying text into wordpress from another source it’s best to paste it into a text editor like notepad or wordpad first, and then copy it out of there and into wordpress. Otherwise it may keep weird styling on it. If you want to see if there’s extra styling on your text you can click the ‘text’ tab to the right of the visual tab, to see any coding.
  • Then under ‘categories’, click the correct category you want your blog to be placed in. The default category is ‘General’. You can also create another category with the ‘add new category’ button, but you’ll need to add that category to the blog module on the page if it doesn’t appear in your blog.
  • Then when you’re all set with the blog post you can click the ‘preview’ button over on the right to see what it looks like.
  • You can ‘save a draft’ of your post at any time.
  • When you’re ready for the post to go live, click the blue ‘publish’ button.
  • View the post on your website to make sure it looks ok and test any links.


  • If you want to add a photo as a featured photo, click the ‘featured photo’ link on the right towards the bottom. If you want to add photos in your post, click the ‘Add Media’ button, right above the text area. Normal alignment is left and either medium or full size.
  • You can also bold, italicize, make bulleted lists, align text, and link to a URL.
  • If you want to add a link, highlight the text and click the chain link icon and paste the URL in, click the gear icon to get the link options and click the checkbox that says ‘Open link in a new tab’ (that way when they close out of the other site your site will still be open).

Wordpress Instructions

Editing an Existing Post

  • Click the ‘Posts’ link over on the left
  • Under the post you want to edit, click the ‘Edit’ link [Make any edits and ‘Publish’ to save].
  • You can also ‘Trash’ the post here or ‘Quick Edit’.
  • Quick Edit is an easy way to change the date, author, category, or Status from Published to ‘Draft’ (if you don’t want it to show).

Print Instructions

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